Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pornography Bill [Britzone Discussion]

Hi Guys,

I found a web that post the testimony of former porn actress, may be it can draw different point of view ;)

And I have different point of view in this matter ;)

Adri Murni Msi, (Psychology Scholar) states that pornography is mostly contribute bad effects to Teenagers, because adolescence is a time of transition form childhood to adulthood, some psychological experts call this phase with ‘strum and drang’. In this phase psyche-shock may happen caused by physical, psychological, social and cognitive changes. Such condition makes the teenagers unstable emotionally and then drags them to be more ‘fragile’ in social interaction. They will be easily influenced by any information spread out around them.

Besides it, teenagers tend to be more interested in sexual matters, because in this phase their physical development experiences rapid growth, indicated by the developing of their primary and secondary genitals.

Moreover, teenagers also experience prominently psychological development, such as:
they have Fluctuate Emotion (changeable)
they like daydreaming and frequently make conflict with family
they have big curiosity in anything
they prioritize performance
they easily influenced/effected by their environment, mainly their peer groups

According to Sigmund Freud (the Father of Psychology), teenagers who experience anxiety will use defense mechanism to repress their anxiety. (Anxiety in this case can be caused by their changes). Ego defense mechanism often used to identify – that is reducing tension by imitating the style or the act of their idols (Actor, actress, etc) to lift up their self esteem.

other self defense mechanisms can be used are Repressing (The person pushes painful or threatening memories, thoughts or emotions out of their mind), Denying (Using the defense mechanism of repressing, the person 'forgets' about something), Displacing (the person cope with his/her feeling anxiety or anger by directing them elsewhere), Sublimating (The energy of impulses that the person finds disturbing, threatening or frightening is directed into something else)

The abovementioned reasons are an argument that pornography can be destructive mainly to teenagers that‘s why the access and distribution must be limited or regulated.

Frankly speaking, I haven’t read the complete draft of the bill yet, that’s way I can’t argue the wrong or incompatible articles inside the billJ.

But my point is the disputable matters should be in the substantial or in the implementation case (As we see that law enforcement in our country is poor) not in the ‘existence of the bill’.

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